ACTION has been taken

August 30, 2021 – A group of citizens have written the following Declaration against the current government tyranny that the whole world is currently facing. They used the Declaration of Independence as a guide and it seems quite brilliant.

Oligopoly (noun) – a market situation in which each of a few producers affects but does not control the market. These ‘producers’ are the Oligopolists mentioned in the text. A small group that control the market.

I am unsure where or to whom they presented this declaration, but we all know the oligopolists want everyone to sign their rights away. They are the ones that want to maintain all control.

Declaration of the People of the United States for Global Peace and Prosperity

WHEN in the Course of recent human Events, it becomes necessary for one People to dissolve the Political Bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the each State in the United States, the separate and equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them! A decent Respect to the Opinions of Mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the Separation from the authorities imposed by those oligopolists that control all via corruption and influence.

We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness—-That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient Causes; and accordingly all Experience hath shewn, that Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while Evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the Forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future Security. Such has been the patient Sufferance of these States in the United States; and such is now the Necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The History of the present influence of oligopolists supporting the secret societies such as the illuminati cabalist is a History of repeated Injuries and Usurpations, all having in direct Object the Establishment of an absolute Tyranny over not only the great people of the United States but all people of all nations in the Globe. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid World.

They refused Assent to Laws by corruption of the truth of which is evidenced by the 2020 US Elections Fraud and Misrepresentations at every level, we the people have been usurped of our legal right to exercise and see through our basic right to vote, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good and proper representation.

They have forbidden elected Officials including Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing Importance imposing rules based on false reporting and public fear created by false narratives and misinformation such as the COVID strains of infection and the true cures that can remove the infections.

They have imposed fake solutions like the COVID injections of poison elements, which is most dangerous altering the Human DNA with RNA and thus eliminating the human body from its own natural immune function of battling illness. This alone can cause the loss of life in the future up to 70% of all those persons who have taken the fake vaccines promoted by all means of media under the control of the same cabal illuminati oligopolists.

They refused to pass or enforce Laws for the Accommodation of the People, unless those People would relinquish the Right of Representation by compliance when taking the COVID Fake Vaccines and signing a waiver of liability.

They, in the State Legislature, are not representatives of the people but by Tyrants only passing illegal laws subjugating the people to false narratives and mandate promoting a global plan of population reduction with tactics including wars, food shortages, food modification causing long term illness, disabling of the human body’s immune system.

They called together State Legislative Bodies at Places unusual and distant from the Depository of their public Records, for the sole Purpose of planning into Compliance with Measures to ensure the depopulation of humanity and retain resources for their agenda.

They have dissolved True State Representative Houses repeatedly by vote manipulation, placing candidates who are representing only the Tyrant Oligopolist and their policies, for opposing Invasions on the Rights of the People.

They have refused for a long Time, after such Dissolutions of legal lawsuits by representatives of the people, to cause others to be elected illegally using compromised Dominion voting systems and technology; whereby the State Legislative Powers, incapable of proper and real representation of the people, have not responded to truth so now this power and authority must be returned to the People at large for their exercise and correction; the State remaining in the meantime exposed to all the Dangers of Invasion from within compromised representation and Convulsions within without current resolutions.

They have endeavoured to prevent the Population of all States to cast votes for representatives to all levels of office to enforce secret agendas that specifically aim to harm us the people in all states and all nations globally.

They have grossly obstructed the Administration of Justice, by refusing his Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary Power and authority in true Justice. We the people in all areas of domestic Law Enforcement, domestic and international Military engagement have all been restricted and directed by those compromised authorities above them to follow the false narratives of the tyranny of the influence and directions of the cabal illuminate cabalist oligopolists.

They have made domestic, regional and supreme Judges dependent on their will alone, for the Tenure of their Offices, and the Amount and Payment of their Salaries.

They have erected a Multitude of new Offices, and sent hither Swarms of Officers to harass our People, and eat out their Substance with new stimulus funds and disabling normal businesses to thrive and function with fake pandemic schemes and fear. This has turned from a temporary solution to becoming a state of Nazi Gestapo declaring “Show me your Papers”

They kept among us, in Times of Peace, Standing UN and other NATO Armies, without the consent of our Military Leaders who have not been compromised.

They have been affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil Power. They offend the American People with a fake administration causing reckless policy to the detriment of National Security.

They have combined with others to subject us to a Jurisdiction foreign to our Constitution, and unacknowledged by our Laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation:

  • For quartering large Bodies of Foreign Armed Troops near us:
  • For protecting them, by a mock Trial, from Punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these United States with the use of fake vaccines that have killed tens of thousands of Americans and Millions of others worldwide:
  • For cutting off our Trade with all Parts of the World in closing our businesses with fear and new policy surrounding a fake COVID and other Pandemic Measures:
  • For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent:
  • For depriving us, in many Cases, of the Benefits of Trial by Jury with assassinations of witnesses of truth regarding those in power causing such abuse:
  • For transporting and human trafficking for the purpose of satanic human sacrifices and the practice of adrenochrome use with the torture and murder of young children:
  • For abolishing the free System of Constitutional Law, operating in Maritime or Admiralty Law establishing therein an arbitrary United States Corporate Government already bankrupt, and enlarging its Boundaries, so as to render it at once an Example and fit Instrument for introducing the same absolute Rule of the people not only in the United States but Globally:
  • For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws, and altering fundamentally the true Forms of our Governments of the will of its people:
  • For suspending our own legally elected Legislatures replacing them with fake voted candidates, and declaring themselves invested with Power to legislate for us in all Cases whatsoever.

They have abdicated the true United States Government, by declaring us out and without rights and waging War against us, killing us softly with vaccines altering our DNA with RNA, HIV and other poisonous elements.

They have destroyed the Lives of Millions of the People of the United States and continue to kill millions globally recklessly with careful precision.

They at this Time, transporting large Armies of foreign UN and Chinese Military to complete the Works of Death, Desolation, and Tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty and Perfidy, scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous Ages, and totally unworthy to Head of a civilized Nations. Their tools of choice include leadership of Federal Government Agencies such as the CDC, FDA, UN, CCP, and agencies CIA, FBI, MI6, with Government authorities in Central Banks robbing all sovereignty of nations and its people.

They have constrained our fellow People, Citizens of many nations, taken to bear Arms against their Country, to become the Executioners of their Friends and Brethren, or to fall themselves by their Hands. Our military and Law Enforcement are being subjugated to follow illegal orders and the invasion of their own bodies with the forced fake COVID-19 vaccinations.

They have excited domestic Insurrections amongst us with Black Lives Matter and Antifa movements of violence, and have endeavoured to bring on the Inhabitants of our communities, cities and government, the merciless Rule of Warfare, is an undistinguished Destruction, of all Ages, Sexes and Conditions.

In every stage of these Oppressions we have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble Terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated Injury. A Prince, whose Character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrannical group of oligopolists who have been unfit to be the influence of Rule of the free People of the United States and all other nations abroad.

We have been wanting attention from our Brethren here in the United States and abroad and we have warned them from Time to Time of Attempts by their fake Legislature to extend an unwarrantable Jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of the Circumstances of our lives here. We have appealed to their native Justice and Magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the Ties of our common Kindred to disavow these Usurpations, which would inevitably interrupt our Connections and Correspondence.

They too have been deaf to the Voice of Justice and of Consanguinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the Necessity, which denounces our Separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of Mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace, Friends.

We, therefore, the Representatives of the UNITED “STATES” OF AMERICA, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of this great nation, solemnly Publish and Declare, That these United “States” are, and of Right ought to be, Free and Independent States; that they are absolved from all Allegiance to the oligopolists, cabal illuminati secret societies, and that all political Connection between them in the United States and Abroad, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent United States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent countries may of right do. And for the support of this Declaration, with affirm Reliance on the Protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor and start immediately with contacting our state legislatures to make the changes to protect our individual rights and liberties, starting with guarding our most basic right which is to protect our votes and the processes and devices to have true and honest elections.

We the people have the authority to enforce our rights at the State level which can correct all that has gone wrong and control the outcome of our future and freedom to live under the constitution without the evil that has become part of everyone’s daily lives.

Action to take today is that each person in each state write a letter addressed to each state representative, legislator, and senator demanding the reforms and corrections to change via new legislature the laws needed to eliminate specific corruption in the state government protecting its state residence.

Specifically addressing the following issues:

  1. Real voting technology that cannot be compromised. Such as the QFS delivery software and hardware instead of the dominion based systems.
  2. Protection of our individual liberties such as the right to choose what medical treatments are acceptable and not acceptable such as the issues of the unwanted COVID-19 vaccines. This shot contains many elements that will compromise the human DNA with mRNA and HIV as well as other negative elements.
  3. Compensation and liability for harm against those whom have been coerced into taking the COVID 19 vaccination via Mass Media Influence and Federal Government Influence as well as mandates with illegal passage of the use of the Vaccine approvals from the FDA and other federal agencies all influenced by that agenda of the globalist oligopolist cabal organizations such as the Federal Reserve Board (FRB), United Nations (UN), Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), Department of Justice (DOJ), International Monetary Fund (IMF), Bank of International Settlements (BIS), Internal Revenue Service (IRS), and any other agency or group that have influence in the affairs of the people of the United States that have assaulted our own individual freedom and liberties in the pursuit of happiness.
  4. Removing all restrictions and to stop promoting fear concerning COVID-19 and any other medical issues to control and destroy our individual liberties to work, earn and spend which is the basis of a healthy economy.

We rest with peace and the love of mankind. We desire life not death or planned genocide and shall enforce all measures of this being corrected to save our Nation from demise and destruction.

Man of God

Copyright 30 August 2021

Common Myths the Left Believes

by Jeff Blaha

Only greedy corrupt governments can fix the problem of greedy Corporations.

The rate of taxation has no effect on goods and services created. I call this one “the beatings will continue until morale improves”.

Censorship in a free country in the public space is just more freedom.

Forcing children to wear masks is the answer to a deadly virus that they will die from otherwise and is not hurting them in any way.

Sending your child to school with a mask and orders to wash their hands and distance themselves will protect them from a deadly virus.

Protecting your country from real threats (border invasions and terrorist attacks) is racism and nation-building.

Surrendering to your enemies will make them understand you mean them no harm and they will live in peace with you.

All white people are born racist and people of other colors lack the ability to be bigotted.

Entry-level jobs should provide an income to buy a home and raise as many kids as you want even if a 16-year-old with no skills and no upper education is the one flipping the burger.

What’s the Rush?

The Pfizer vaccine is on a fast track for FDA approval, hearings possible today according to the NYTimes.

I suspect the political pressures are enormous. Still, how can approval be possible when the safety record of this vaccine is far worse than any vaccine in the past, including many that were pulled from the market?


Part of the answer is that CDC is not reporting the statistic most relevant to measuring efficacy. That is: Vaccination status of COVID patients. How many of the new infections and new deaths are in vaccinated individuals, and how many in unvaccinated?

Of course, this information is known in CDC databases; it is scandalous that the numbers are not being made public. I do not know if they are being provided to FDA. Israel is more honest, and numbers from there are not encouraging.

Likewise, data about transmissibility, comparing vaccinated and unvaccinated populations, are not being reported, and were not part of the clinical trials last fall.


There are several systems for reporting vaccine reactions, including deaths, but the only one available to the public is VAERS. It is incomplete, because it relies on voluntary reporting, there is no incentive to report to VAERS, and it is a cumbersome process. We may compare reports of the COVID vaccines to past years, when there were also hundreds of millions of vaccinations, including annual flu shots and childhood vaccine schedules. The comparison is dramatic.

The Dominoes are Falling

We get a lot of these writings sent in to us at Digging Deeper. This one is from an unidentified post on that social media company that start with an f.

We have entered a very dangerous time and dominoes are about to start falling that will change the security, philosophy and ideology of the world as we know it.

The first domino dropped last week when the Taliban took over the Afghanistan government and the United States government failed to respond and support the freedoms, we built for the people of that country over the 20 years we battled the faces of Terror in that country.

As our attention is now focused on getting our citizens and those people and families that assisted our nation out of the country in the most unorganized and misdirected operation in modern day military history. This is only because of the leadership in Washington and the White House, State Department and Pentagon are driving this failure to a disastrous end.

The next dominos to fall will take the planet to the verge of or actually push us into the Third World War.

There are four governments that are going to take advantage of the weakness and disorder in the United States government.

China will use force to reunite Taiwan, they see this as the best time to make the move and take advantage of the US not being able to focus on other strategic areas. They will use overwhelming force and secure the island after a valiant effort by the Armed Forces of Taiwan. When they get control of the island, they will gain access to all the hardware the US has provided Taiwan for its defense with includes the latest version of the F-16 in some cases these aircraft are more advanced than some of the aircraft in the US inventory, Aegis equipped ships, other radar, anti-aircraft and missile technology and drone technology.

Russia will move into Ukraine, Russia has been waiting to control this region for years to rebuild the buffer they enjoyed in the Cold War. They do not want a NATO country on their boarder and by taking control over Ukraine that gives them the buffer they are looking for and more regional control. This will also make other nations in the region fear possible invasion if they do not follow what the Russian government wants them to do.

North Korea, once China and Russia have moved to expand their territories North Korea will see the US stretched to impossible lengths and move on its goal to reunify the Korean peninsula. Knowing the US cannot possibly be everywhere at once it will use this to move south.

Iran, seeing the world on fire Iran will use this time to expand its influence and spread terror across the globe, sponsoring terror attacks in Europe, the US and other regions. With the world completely upended and the United States not able to assist all its Allies as these conflicts overwhelm NATO and other Security Partners globally the United States will find itself in a position that will the current President will relent and sue for peace at any cost, our closest Allies watching in disbelief as the US government has no idea how to handle the crises across the world.

At this point will anyone remember about a virus or a vaccine?

Will people remember the division that spread across the United States because of politicians and activists that made everyone hate each other?

Will anyone remember China has caused time and time again viruses over the last decade or more that have gotten worse over time and spread across the globe and killed millions?

Will anyone remember climate change when the world is exploding in conflict and millions are dying from war and famine?

Will anyone remember our government had become so divided after every election they needed to disrupt and force gridlock in Washington?

Will anyone remember the mistrust and divided sides we built over the years because we just could not work together and everything had to be one way period?

At some point we lost the fact that we are one family as a nation and it is okay to disagree but somehow that is not acceptable any longer. Eventually between us tearing ourselves apart, the coming conflicts and terror attacks that will spread across our nation we all have a very unsafe and uncertain future because of the leadership we currently have and the failure of people to see past lies and think for themselves.

#225 – Remdesivir’s Repulsive Record

Dr. Bryan Ardis lost his father-in-law to medical mistreatment and began looking into the COVID suggested or required protocols. He has found some disturbing information that he shared on the Stew Peters Show.


In May 2020 – New York Dr’s were reporting acute kidney issues which have never been seen before with viral infections. Dr. Ardis checked out CDC website and found the required protocol to treat COVID with Remdesivir, including a link to the NIH website. There, NIH advised Remdesivir is the only drug protocol advised for treatment. Although it warns that using HCQ with it would cause severe reactions and those with ‘renal inefficiency’ were not advised to use it.

In the NIH article, there were links to studies backing the efficacy and warranted use. As he dug further, he found frightening information in both these studies published in the New England Journal of Medicine. First, we will look at the Ebola study then the COVID study second.

Study 1: Ebola November 2018 – November 2019

A Randomized, Controlled Trial of Ebola Virus Disease Therapeutics – 12/12/19

All patients received standard care and were randomly assigned in a 1:1:1:1 ratio to intravenous administration of the triple monoclonal antibody ZMapp (the control group), the antiviral agent remdesivir, the single monoclonal antibody MAb114, or the triple monoclonal antibody REGN-EB3 (Regeneron). 

Within 6 months, the study found that Remdesivir had the highest mortality rate of all experimental drugs and immediately pulled it from the study.

A total of 681 patients were enrolled from November 20, 2018, to August 9, 2019, at which time the data and safety monitoring board recommended that patients be assigned only to the MAb114 and REGN-EB3 groups for the remainder of the trial; the recommendation was based on the results of an interim analysis that showed superiority of these groups to ZMapp and remdesivir with respect to mortality.

Remdesivir had the highest percentage (53%) of deaths in this study. It was not proven to be safe and was not approved by the FDA in the following 2 years.

Study 2: COVID-19 – January 25 – March 30, 2020

Compassionate Use of Remdesivir for Patients with Severe Covid-19 – 4/20/20

A total of 32 patients (60%) reported adverse events during follow-up. The most common adverse events were increased hepatic enzymes, diarrhea, rash, renal impairment, and hypotension. In general, adverse events were more common in patients receiving invasive ventilation. A total of 12 patients (23%) had serious adverse events. The most common serious adverse events — multiple-organ-dysfunction syndrome, septic shock, acute kidney injury, and hypotension — were reported in patients who were receiving invasive ventilation at baseline. Four patients (8%) discontinued remdesivir treatment prematurely.

Those removed from the treatment early were experiencing such serious acute events that they would have died had they stayed in the study.

Interestingly enough, the number of treated patients in America and the rates of people dying from that treatment was the exact same percentage (8%) as those who were prematurely removed from the above study because they were dying from the treatment.

These two research studies proved Remdesivir causes acute kidney failure within 28 days in 23-25% of all people given the drug.

Adverse events from the experimental shots

So did Dr. Fauci know that the Remdesivir has such a sordid past? Did you notice that, in the Ebola study, there was another drug pulled with Remdesivir? ZMapp was the NIH’s experimental drug submitted by Dr. Anthony Fauci that was pulled for the same reason. It was number 2 in death count (49%)!

Yes, Fauci KNEW that Remdesivir was dangerous because he was directly involved in the Ebola study.

The FDA also KNEW 2 months before ‘handing out’ these shots that there would be several side effects even though the insert is blank in the packaging.

Taken from the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee October 22, 2020 Meeting Presentation

There are many doctors that are awake to the Big Pharma stronghold. I suggest that you make sure you understand what you are putting in your body, both from the medication we take and from the food we eat. Focus on what your body needs naturally and supplement with wholesome foods and products as much as possible. Immunity is your best defense.

Below is another video where Dr. Ardis and others are discussing Big Pharma and other means of depopulation. It’s worth the hour or so if you want to dive even deeper.


The REAL Benghazi Story

We knew about the operation from some survivors of Benghazi, but we didn’t know the full story. Now we have it and are passing it along to you.

This is the real story;

Ambassador Stevens was sent to Benghazi to secretly retrieve US made Stinger Missiles that the State Dept had supplied to Ansar al Sharia in Libya WITHOUT Congressional oversight or permission.

Sec State Hillary Clinton had brokered the Libya deal through Ambassador Stevens and a Private Arms Dealer named Marc Turi, but some of the shoulder fired Stinger Missiles ended up in Afghanistan where they were used against our own military. On July 25th, 2012, a US Chinook helicopter was downed by one of them. Not destroyed only because the idiot Taliban didn’t arm the missile. The helicopter didn’t explode, but it had to land and an ordnance team recovered the missile’s serial number which led back to a cache of Stinger Missiles kept in
Qatar by the CIA.

Obama and Hillary were in full panic mode, so Ambassador Stevens was sent to Benghazi to retrieve the rest of the Stinger Missiles. This was a “do-or-die” mission, which explains the Stand Down Orders given to multiple rescue teams during the siege of the US Embassy.

It was the State Dept, NOT the CIA, that supplied the Stinger Missiles to our sworn enemies because Gen. Petraeus at CIA would not approve supplying the deadly missiles due to their potential use against commercial aircraft. So then, Obama threw Gen. Petraeus under the bus when he refused to testify in support of Obama’s phony claim of a “spontaneous uprising caused by a YouTube video that insulted Muslims.”
Obama and Hillary committed TREASON!

THIS is what the investigation is all about, WHY she had a Private Server, (in order to delete the digital evidence), and WHY Obama, two weeks after the attack, told the UN that the attack was the result of the YouTube video, even though everyone KNEW it was not.

Furthermore, the Taliban knew that the administration had aided and abetted the enemy WITHOUT Congressional oversight or permission, so they began pressuring (blackmailing) the Obama Administration to release five Taliban generals being held at Guantanamo.

Bowe Bergdahl was just a useful pawn used to cover the release of the Taliban generals. Everyone knew Bergdahl was a traitor but Obama used Bergdahl’s exchange for the five Taliban generals to cover that Obama was being coerced by the Taliban about the unauthorized Stinger Missile deal.

So we have a traitor as POTUS that is not only corrupt, but compromised, as well and a Sec of State that is a serial liar, who perjured herself multiple times at the Congressional Hearings on Benghazi. Perhaps this is why no military aircraft were called upon for help in Benghazi: because the administration knew that our enemies had Stinger Missiles that, if used to down those planes, would likely be traced back to the CIA cache in Qatar and then to the State Dept’s illegitimate arms deal in Libya.

Forward this again and again and again until everyone reads the true story of Benghazi.

Image Copyright Infringement? NOPE.


We have recently noticed that several of our clients are received emails claiming that one or more of their images violated copyright. We’ve been building websites and working with photography and graphics for over 25 years. We take copyright very seriously and highly recommend everyone else does the same.

However, what we have discovered could have actually been much worse – first of all, there was no copyright issue, it was all a ruse to trick us into installing a ransomware trojan. DO NOT FALL FOR THIS.

It’s not just our customers, this is a growing trend on the internet. Several WordPress, Wix, Square site owners and other tech companies clients are all reporting these attacks recently. These emails are being sent directly to the domain owner or through their contact form. Some of them actually come from legitimate companies that do represent certain clients, but they are still PHISHING and do not have legal standing.

Here are a couple of recent examples:

These appear to be the same message with some selected words changed out, but it has switched from using Google Drive links to Firebase links, possibly because of aware owners reporting this ‘fishy’ notice.

It looks scary and will possibly get site owners to click on the link to see exactly what they are talking about. When you do, you will be directed to a page with a link to a zip file with your “copyright infringement evidence.”


If you click on the link, you may see this. DON’T OPEN THE FILE!

One company, Techlicious, dug further into this file and found that many malware programs don’t even catch it.

In the version of the scam we received, the download is a .zip file containing a javascript (.js) file called “Copyright Infringement Evidence.js”. I ran the file through Virus Total and it came back as a backdoor trojan – identified as js.Trojan.Cryxos.5779 and JS/Kryptik.BXN – that can be used to install ransomware and other malicious programs. Only 8 of the 61 malware scanning engines in Virus Total picked this up (BitDefenderEmsisofteScanESET-NOD32FireEyeGDataMAXNANO-Antivirus), meaning it currently has a high chance of slipping through most antimalware protection.

Josh Kirschner, Techilicious, May 12, 2021

It’s important remember to be especially cautious when downloading any files from unknown third-parties or sites, and never try to open any file with an extension of .js or .exe unless you know exactly what it is and where it came from. You can report the malware page to Google’s malware reporting tool.

Our recommendation is that you ignore any of these unsolicited emails. You can contact your attorney for any questions and if it makes you more comfortable, and we can go through your site for you to verify that you do not have any copyright issues. WE DO NOT USE COPYRIGHTED PHOTOS.

Our Photo sources include, but are not limited to; Customer Photos, Our Own Photos,,,, and

WE DO NOT USE COPYRIGHTED PHOTOS and recommend you do the same. However, DO NOT PANIC if you get a SCAMMER pretending to own rights to something they do not.

Contact if you have any questions.

Can You Spot Manipulation?

by Lisa Betz-Marquez  August 5, 2021

It’s been my hallmark to ask uncomfortable questions, and when I saw this story today on KNEB, I felt compelled to “dig deeper” and ask some questions. Let’s take a look at the obfuscation in the following paragraph, taken directly from information put out by the Wyoming Department of Health:

“A WDH review of more than 5,000 lab-confirmed and probable cases identified among Wyoming residents age 16 and older between May 1 and July 28 shows roughly 95 percent of the individuals do not report being fully vaccinated against COVID-19. During the same period, of the nearly 300 persons infected by COVID-19 who were hospitalized at the time they were interviewed by public health representatives, just under 94 percent did not report being fully vaccinated against COVID-19.”

KNEB Radio, August 4, 2021

Let’s break it down

1.”A WDH review of more than 5,000 lab-confirmed and probable cases identified among Wyoming residents…

“A review” …. of what? Where do these numbers come from? Was a unified survey utilized? Was this hospital reporting using the same form? Was this reporting Mandatory? Voluntary?

2. “More than 5,000

How many more? 5,001? 5,999? Why the inaccurate number? I don’t know, but it sure sounds scary, doesn’t it? Why didn’t they report the actual number? Why did they need to add the booster phrase of “more than“?

3. “lab-confirmed and probable cases identified among Wyoming residents

Was there 1 lab-confirmed case and 4999 probable cases? You realize this could literally be the case, and the above statement would be factual…. but the human mind fills in the gaps, usually in the worst case scenario. We don’t know the true number of lab-confirmed cases, but the use of the number 5,000 is a huge pool of nothing numbers that sure look scary.

Why not report only the lab-confirmed cases? What were the criterion used to determine “probable” cases? How many of these were the common cold, regular flu, allergies, asthma, pneumonia…? How was this probability determined and by whom?

4. “Wyoming residents age 16 and older

This is yet another huge pool of numbers that tell us next to nothing, but it sure sounds like EVERYONE. We have no information about pre-conditions nor age, so we see ourselves potentially in this statistic, though it may literally mean a majority of people at the end of life expectancy with a pre-condition. We’ll never know though, because it’s crap data reporting.

5. “roughly 95 percent of the individuals do not report being fully vaccinated against COVID-19.”

What is the methodology of reporting? Why so loosy goosy on the reporting? How, when, from where does this data get collected? Were the subjects even ASKED if they were vaccinated? Did subjects check a box? Were subjects given a box to check? Is it the responsibility of the person receiving the shot or of the one administering the shot? Is there a law requiring these reports? How do we KNOW it has not been reported?

These are legitimate questions, because it isn’t explained, but that phrase “do not report” raises questions that I think are legitimately leaving room for inaccuracies and what we call “CYA” or cover your ass reporting. Why not simply report the number who WERE recipients of it?

6. “During the same period, of the nearly 300 persons infected by COVID-19 who were hospitalized at the time they were interviewed by public health representatives, just under 94 percent did not report being fully vaccinated against COVID-19.”

Okay, so we can likely gather that from May 1-July 28, the number 300 applies… That’s 3 whole months, by the way, approximately 100 cases per month, but we don’t know why these folks were hospitalized, do we? Nor do we know how it was determined they were “infected with the C.”

There is an inference these folks were hospitalized due to the C infection, but we don’t know for certain. We only know they were hospitalized while interviewed, but not whether they were there for a broken leg or fighting for their lives on a ventilator. The reader’s mind assumes the latter because it doesn’t like messy question marks, so it fills in the gaps with assumption.

Brain translation: 300 people at risk of dying from the V in the hospital (or, 100 per month, if we break it down) and in the whole state of Wyoming. But we don’t actually know this, because the information is cloudy. A side note, I wonder how many people in Wyoming are dealing with cancer in that state over the course of 3 months.

Now let’s look at that pesky word “nearly” before the number of 300 persons infected who were hospitalized…. NEARLY 300. What number under 300 allows them to use the number 300? Was it 299? 275? 250? If we round up, and the number was 250, that makes a big difference, doesn’t it? Why not just report the actual number?

7. “just under 94 percent did not report being fully vaccinated against COVID-19.”

Here we go again with loosy goosy numbers reporting. Just UNDER 94 percent. What does it mean? If we look at my #6 example, they were rounding UP to a nice neat number of 300… but here, in example 7, we are not going down to a nice number like 90 percent… or rounding UP to another nice number like 95 percent. Why 94 ? Just UNDER 94…. what does this mean? Lots of margin for fudging numbers here.

8. After you read the article, ask yourself, HOW do they determine this is the “D E L T A” variety?

Here are some uncomfortable questions for all of us: Why do we read this tripe and assume facts are present when if we break down the actual language (which takes time, and the writers know most won’t bother), we discover that they are AT THE VERY LEAST, hiding truth? Why do we as individuals read this stuff, (or likely SKIM it) and accept as blind facts? Don’t tell me you don’t do this, because most people do. I do. Who put this information out? A government agency, the Wyoming Department of Health. But today, this really jumped out at me, and I had to share these thoughts.

Read every word

When you read (me too!) READ, look at the garbage words and phrases that hide the truth. LOOK for these words and let them be the red flag that truth is being hidden or puffed up for a specific purpose!

  • roughly
  • under
  • over
  • nearly
  • up to
  • more than
  • less than
  • probable
  • likely
  • estimated
  • generally

Just for fun, let’s take a deeper dive into the numbers presented, and how they compare to estimated 2019 population statistics in Wyoming as reported by the U.S. Census Bureau: 578,759 = Estimated Total Population of Wyoming in 2019.

Given the population of the state, 5,000 “lab-confirmed” and “probable” cases in Wyoming as reported by the Wyoming Health District would represent .86 of the total population. This is not even one percent. That doesn’t sound nearly as scary as 5,000 cases, within 3 months’ time, does it? Even if you were to separate the 23.1 percent of people who are 18 and under in the State of Wyoming, and THEN factor the 5,000 “lab-confirmed” and “probable” cases, you’d STILL only have 1 percent of cases among the population of 18 and above, though their statistical grouping was 16 and above.

Here’s another “just for fun” idea. For comparison in statistical approach, visit the Wyoming Department of Health’s website on alcohol use in Wyoming.

Check out all of the statistics they are reporting. Not ONE of them uses CYA language like, probable, up to, nearly, etc….. WHY?

Why do I share this? It isn’t to quibble with facts, but only to show how WE ARE allowing ourselves to BE MANIPULATED by not paying attention to the WORDS being used, and by not DOING OUR OWN RESEARCH.

I’m not going to debate or argue the V, or the suggested therapies, nor any of the severity of the experience for those who suffer with it, I simply want people to SEE the manipulations of facts, figures, statistics, and acknowledge that we are being led… and not necessarily by facts.


(Fake) President sexually assaults young girl

Grown up now, Maria Piacesi has provided confirmation that at eight years old Joe Biden then Vice president of the United States felt her breast and pinched her nipple. I remember seeing the video and watching her squirm away from his hands. She was uncomfortable and trying to get away. I remember national news networks laughing how she tried to move away and brushed it off as a young child impatient to get going.

The statute of limitations for sexual assault is six years. But, if the victim is age 16 or younger, prosecution must occur by the victim’s 24th birthday or six years from the date the offense is reported, whichever is earlier. The world is a witness to this child’s assault yet it was deemed funny by many.

Citizen journalist Jonathan Pasetti recently shared screenshots of a conversation he had with Maria Piacesi on social media app Tik Tok. “Did Joe Biden pinch you?” asked Pasetti asked. “Yes,” confirmed Piacesi.

Screenshot of TikTok conversation between Pasetti and Piacesi.

Maria’s social media accounts were deleted. We’ve received a lot of emails regarding this article. A lot of people believe that the screenshots are fake and no such account exists. However, upon doing some digging we can, in fact confirm, that the senator’s niece did own this account. Shortly after the news went viral she deactivated her Instagram and TikTok account.

Gateway Pundit

Why has nothing been done about this? Where were this child’s advocates, sucked up into the glamour that they let their daughter be felt up by a pervert? Numerous videos of touchy feely joe have surfaced. Kissing kids on the mouth, boys and girls. Joe made a statement on national TV the other day that republicans think he drinks blood from children, he repeated it for the reporter. I’d ask who would think to make a statement like this?

“Are there people in the Republican Party who think we’re sucking the blood out of kids?”

Joe Biden

Seems to me crazy Joe is a danger to society and has been for a long time. And he’s still at it.

This is Biden at the Congressional Baseball game. The girl in the upper half he is smothering is none other than Naomi, his oldest granddaughter (also Hunter’s daughter). She is the one who Hunter told about Joe’s “agreement”: give me half your salary. Joe’s hat in this picture bears the logo of the “Beau Biden Foundation for the Protection of Children”

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