Aliens Have Landed

The aliens have landed and they are us.

The Dangers of Artificial Intelligence

Elon Musk’s BRUTALLY Honest Interview With Tucker Carlson | In this interview, Tucker Carlson engages in a thought-provoking discussion with Elon Musk. Join them as they delve into a range of topics, shedding light on Tesla’s achievements, as well as Musk’s controversial entrepreneurial choices.

Is all this talk of UFO’s and aliens causing panic or the contrary? It’s feels all too familiar.

Similar to War of the Worlds in 1938.

Panic? Nope! All Fake News! Old media attacking new media.

UFO (UAP) crash site contains non-human biologics.

Sighting in Las Vegas

Las Vegas police believe the witnesses saw something. Sources close to the investigation involving a 911 call where a Las Vegas family claimed to see aliens in their yard do not believe the incident was a hoax, but a week after the story went viral, many questions remain.

So who are you going to call?

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