Healthy Living; Getting Grounded

We’ve heard the terms tree huggers, nature freaks, anti-vaxers and it has always carried a negative connotation. Only those crazy hippies in California believe these ‘outlandish’ things. And yet we are starting to see why their naturalistic ideas have been thwarted in all our main information streams.

Grounding, also known as earthing, is the practice of connecting the body to the Earth’s electrical energy. Some believe that the Earth’s electrical charges can have a positive impact on the body.  But in this next video, Paul Saladino MD visits with Ryan Blaser to explain that there really is a difference between grounding and earthing.

Even the NIH as studies published on the effects of earthing.

2012 – Earthing: Health Implications of Reconnecting the Human Body to the Earth’s Surface Electrons

Our body is largely electric hence why sunlight (electromagnetic frequency), earthing (feet in earth) to discharge and rebalance ions, and minerals/salt are so important. We need to be conductive.

Barefoot grounding: syncing to Earth

Schumann resonance is the Earth’s natural electromagnetic frequency, approximately 7.83 Hz. It’s often called the “heartbeat of the Earth.” Some believe that connecting with this resonance through practices like earthing can have positive effects on our well-being.

2015 – The effects of grounding (earthing) on inflammation, the immune response, wound healing, and prevention and treatment of chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases

Multi-disciplinary research has revealed that electrically conductive contact of the human body with the surface of the Earth (grounding or earthing) produces intriguing effects on physiology and health. Such effects relate to inflammation, immune responses, wound healing, and prevention and treatment of chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases.  … Grounding an organism produces measurable differences in the concentrations of white blood cells, cytokines, and other molecules involved in the inflammatory response. 

Earthing has shown that there are benefits to connecting directly to the earth. The Earthing Institute claims these benefits can include:

  • Decreased Pain
  • Improved Sleep
  • Faster Healing

Electron thieves can be infections, emotional baggage, toxins like pesticides, air polution and GMO foods, still water, and wind. Make sure that you recharge when facing these thieves.

Pets have always been known to help the elderly and bed-ridden, but do you know why? The elderly can have a difficult time getting connected to the earth. The dog or cat will run around outside to recharge their electrons. Then when they come back in and love on their owner, they then donate some of their electrons, recharging their owners batteries.

Recharge Your Body’s Batteries

Have you ever stopped to consider the idea of your whole body being a battery?

I’m not talking about the latest watch that tells you that you are depleted. I’m talking about attuning and listening to your body. What charges you up and what depletes you?

Here are some of our top ways to replenish your body’s batteries by adding more electrons from various electron donors to the body:

Get out in the Sun

The sun stimulates electron activity in the body. Biological processes, such as respiration, photosynthesis, and the breakdown of food molecules, consist of sequences of electron transfer reactions that serve to transport and utilize energy from the sun.

Eat organic food

Make a conscious decision to purchase foods that are not mass produced from farms that are depleted in nutrients from the earth. GMO foods and processed foods steal electrons from the body and organic, regenerative farming practices and foods add electrons to the body. 

Swim in moving water

Water is an electron donor and moving water is even better. This ties into spending time at the beach bathing in the water moving around you whilst soaking up the sun!


We know the benefits of hugging are immense. Hugging trees, animals and fellow humans provide us with lots of donor electrons; especially long loving hugs. Trees have lots of electrons to give and we all know the benefits of hugging the family pet especially a dog or cat. We benefit from the family pet donating electrons to us which they quickly replenish once they return outside to nature.

Walking barefoot outside on the sand, rocks or grass

A central theory behind earthing/grounding (walking barefoot in nature) and forest bathing (barefoot in a forest with a few tree hugs) is that grounding affects the electrical circuitry between living cells. This electron circuitry between living cells supports our body’s immune defences. The extra electrons act in a similar way to the benefits of anti-oxidants. Theoretically, grounding and electron transfer helps to restore the natural defences of the body – charging you up!

It’s a lot healthier to plug into nature to get your electrons than to plug into electron-ics. Select one, two, three or all of the different ways to replenish your body’s batteries with the plethora of energy that exists in the world!

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