Let The Fire Fall Down

Living in the days of Elijah

What does the pastor mean when he poses the idea of living in the days of Elijah?

Take a look around and you can plainly see that people feel that something is just different, almost permanently different with our society. For many of us, we’ve always had ‘the good ole days’ to reflect back onto, but it almost seems as though people have completely given up on the idea of getting back to normal, let alone the good ole days.

Horsetail Fall flows over the eastern edge of El Capitan in Yosemite Valley. On rare occasions during mid to late February, it can glow orange when it’s backlit by sunset.

Many agree that these seem to be some of our nation’s darkest times, so are we are living in the days of Elijah?

According to Pastor Bob in his sermon titled, “FIRE FALL The Life of Elijah” the bible gives us the background we need to put these times into perspective.

Who was Elijah and when did he first appear?

This was quite interesting. We learned that Israel was in a civil war and had just split the 12 kingdoms into 10 in the north (Jarusalem) and 2 in the south (Judah). In the north, Israel had 19 kings and went 0-19 in God’s eyes. It was in the days of the reign of the most evil of all kings, Ahab, the man-puppet of the notorious and wicked wife named Jezebel, that God had to resort to sending the most revered of prophets, El – i – Yah (Elohiem my Yahweh) or “God is my God”. You see, Ms. Jezebel’s maiden name was Baal. That should ring a bell, but not in a good way.

God looks for special people in dark times

The bible describes the kings that Israel had and just when you think one particular king was the absolute worst, along came another one, seemingly trying to outdo the former. God described Ahab’s father (Omri as the worst to that point in history) but Ahab was not to be outdone. He married Jezebel, and interestingly is the only wife mentioned by name, of the 19 failed kings of Israel. Things were so bad that God needed an in-your-face prophet, or the I’m-not-gonna-sit-around-and-do-nothing prophet, so He sent Elijah.

God surprises us when He selects people

God is looking for people He can empower. Think back to the greatest characters of the bible; Moses (murderer with a speech impediment), Abram and Sarai (doubted and laughed at God), Paul (Saul the Christian Killer), David (adulterous cheater and had Uriah killed), Mary (an unknown unwed teenager), Jonas, Job, even Judas… God chose ordinary people to do extraordinary things in the darkest of times.

God does not call the qualified. God qualifies the called.

Pastor Bob McCartney

God speaks a strong message in dark days

It’s a simple, yet stark message. Sin has consequence. God does punish sin, but consequence is not the same as punishment. Our generation lives in a time when too many people believe there is no consequence to our sin, let alone punishment for it. The message is clear and easy to remember; Turn or Burn. It’s time to repent and turn from sin and self, so that God may bring a season of refreshing to comfort us. Yes, it’s a strong message, but WHAT is more important that your life and where you spend ETERNITY?

If you have a burden over this message, as always, make your burden your ministry. Be that special person who actually does something. Don’t sit around. Do something today that will potentially change the world forever… Tell someone about the love and saving grace of Jesus Christ!

You can literally change someone’s life. What are you waiting for?

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