#543 – Truman’s Matrix; World Health Police

Global Health Under the Control of the WHO?

Dr. Peter Breggin Breaks Down Biden’s Proposed Amendments

“The amendments put a line through the restraint on when the World Health Organization can call for a health disaster or emergency in a country. [The WHO could] do so without any cooperation or agreement or even resistance from the country, and it can draw this conclusion based on the consideration, not proof or evidence, [but] the consideration of Tedros… There are no criteria for what is a public health emergency other than the Director-General can set his priority and move them as he wishes… In other words, we no longer have sovereignty over the issue of ‘Do we have a health emergency that requires the intervention of the World Health Organization?’… This is socialized global health.”

Dr. Peter Breggin

Michele Bachmann says WHO Threatens US Sovereignty

How You Can Take a Stand Against International Health Regulation Amendments

US Coordination of Biological Laboratories and Research Institutes in Ukraine

Russian military recently dropped a new finalized report on the entire US Biological weapons scheme… They claim the the 4 masterminds atop the biological weapons network are Barack Obama, Hilary Clinton, Joe Biden, and George Soros. As well as 12 other NATO countries knew of and assisted the US in this operation to develop biological weapons. They also include the US pharmaceutical companies Pfizer, Moderna, and others.

It’s difficult to find legitimate western sources to share this information, as none of them are addressing this at all. Complete radio silence on Russia accusing the sitting president and past 3 Democrat president families of being responsible for C19 and the US biological weapons network in Ukraine. And the Chinese military are in agreement with Russia and their findings. Complete blackout on Western Media.

Abbott warns it will take TEN WEEKS to get baby formula products on shelves

The plant closed in mid-February amid reports of infant illness and death, but after a thorough review of all available data, Abbott said ‘there is no evidence to link our formulas to these infant illnesses’.

Congress will hold a meeting in two weeks to address the formula shortage.

More than half of U.S. states are seeing out-of-stock rates between 40 percent and 50 percent, according to the firm, which collects data from 11,000 locations. Retailers including Target, CVS and Walgreens have started limiting formula purchases to three containers per customer.

Texas, Tennessee, Missouri, Iowa, North Dakota and South Dakota, seemingly hardest hit by the shortages, reported out-of-stock rates of about 50%

Once given FDA approval, Abbott’s Michigan plant could reopen in two weeks, however, the company said it will take six to eight weeks to replenish its supply.

Baby Formula Shortage Connected To Gates

Patrick Howley investigates the causes of the baby formula shortage in America, overseen by Sleepy Joe Biden’s Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Meanwhile, Bill Gates and a cabal of billionaires are trying to get artificial breast milk onto the market to compete with baby formula

Big Formula Conspiracies and Shortages

One Mom’s search for a solution:

My friends with babies who need formula, chances are you’ve seen a huge shortage in stores, especially since the Similac US recall in February. This is especially scary when cans are limited to only 1 per baby per trip, and a can may only last 3-6 days.

Like many babies, Lewis has a cow’s milk allergy, so already scarce (and crazy expensive) formula can be downright impossible to find. And there are no generic brands.

Enter: Kabrita USA goat’s milk formula.

My mom suggested looking into it, and a few other moms in a group I’m part of also suggested it. I was skeptical at first. Goat’s milk isn’t typical in the US, and my pediatrician said it wasn’t good.

After having multiple conversations with the pediatrician, the final answer was “we just dont suggest it”. There wasn’t a big reason or explanation, just that it’s not recommended. What is recommended is sticking to the 2 major brands that partner with the hospital (which ALSO happen to be owned by/affiliated with major pharmaceutical companies 🤔).

The pediatrician literally said it would be better to give Lewis something that he has a KNOWN allergic reaction too rather than try something that is common and available in the rest of the world.

So I did some digging. The major companies that make infant formula are tied to pharmaceutical companies, and therefore have a LOT of money/power tied into various areas including the government and hospitals. They influence what is taught and what is FDA approved.

The “toddler” goat’s milk formula has almost IDENTICAL nutritional value to the specialty formula Lewis was taking (Alimentum and Nutrimigen). It’s labeled as toddler in the US, but in Europe is available to infants. The FDA doesn’t recognize goat’s milk as acceptable🤷‍♀️.

So, take from all that what you will. If you have a babe who needs formula and are struggling to get it and have enough on hand, check this out!

I currently order it from Thrive Market online, but it also comes from various health food stores and online retailers like Amazon and Walmart. It’s more than the generic brands, but far less than any type of specialty formula.

✨ Formula Shortage Resources ✨

In light of the recent formula shortage a picture of homemade formula from the 60s has been shared over and over. That recipe IS NOT SAFE. And since we are in unprecedented times with a formula shortage, here are gathered resources for what to do if you find yourself needing formula and not able to find it. This is a long post, scroll to find formula alternatives, relactating info, and safe homemade formula recipe resources. I hope this can be helpful to families in need.


  • Ask in local groups if anyone has unopened formula they don’t need anymore.
  • Ask you doctor’s office if they have any samples you can have.
  • Try buying your formula online.
  • Ask your local store clerk when they’re restocking formula.
  • You can buy European formula online. *FDA is no longer approving most international formula shipments


Another option is to get donor milk from another mama. Here’s how you can find local donors:

  • Human Milk 4 Human Babies Global Network: find their local-to-you chapter by searching ‘Human milk 4 human babies + your state’
  • Human Milk For Babies: Free Donations
  • Only the Breast
  • Eats on Feets: find their local-to-you chapter by searching ‘Eats on Feets + your state’
  • Ask in local groups if there is a mom that has extra breast milk she wants to donate


You can also try to relactate. It takes some effort but it is possible! The most important thing is stimulate – stimulate – stimulate! Here’s how you accomplish that:

  • Nurse as often as possible.
  • Lots of skin to skin.
  • Sniffing and kissing your baby.
  • Pump every 2 hours without fail, including through the night.

If baby won’t latch and you’re solely pumping, ENSURE your flanges are the correct size and once you have milk production again, you pump until the milk is done. Don’t pump for time. Also play around with different pumps and different settings. Everybody responds differently to different pumps.

If you need help lactating, contact your local La Leche League International chapter by searching for La Leche League + your state / city.

Useful tools for relactating:



If your baby doesn’t consume breastmilk, formula you can purchase should always be your #1 choice. This is here for emergency purposes only, after you’ve exhausted ALL your other options.

This is not intended as medical advice and if you use this recipe is at your own risk. Please run anything you give to your child by your child’s doctor.


  • Use fresh milk that has not expired
  • Make it in a clean kitchen with clean utensils
  • Make it only with clean hands
  • Do not use any substitutes
  • Follow the instructions and use the correct amount of each ingredient


To make homemade formula you need to use raw A2 jersey milk or goat milk from a local farm because pasteurizing milk kills essential enzymes necessary for easy digestion.

Pasteurized A1 milk is what you buy in stores and it is from a completely different protein in milk – it’s the source of most lactose intolerances and “allergies” so you cannot use store bought milk for this.


You can use the recipe from the Weston A. Price website and buy the formula kit from the radiant life website that they recommended.

Another option instead of cows milk is the goats milk formula kit also linked below by Mt. Capra

What Dinner Will Look Like in the Next 100 Years, According to Scientists (and Sci-Fi Authors)

The future is all about Air Protein, a product that uses high-tech fermentation to turn carbon dioxide into chicken or whatever you want, really.

Within the next decade, grocery stores will stock cell-cultured proteins. Stem cells are collected, put into bioreactors, and fed nutrients like glucose so that they grow into animal-free chicken, beef, pork, and even duck (as opposed to the meat alternatives we have today, which are very good imitations made with plant products). These proteins don’t need room to graze and expel methane, don’t waste uneaten parts of an animal, and are less likely to contain bacteria like salmonella. This is the beyond-Beyond burger.

Target Launches “Chest Binders” And “Packing Underwear” For Transgender Shoppers

Target is showing that its brand proudly supports the LGBTQ+ community by selling breast binders and packing underwear as part of its latest clothing collection.

The new line includes items like a binder, which is used to bind one’s chest, as well as packing underwear, which is worn by those who have not yet undergone surgery to help flatten the appearance of their genitals.

Pre-Kindergartners sent home with masturbation assignment

Four-year-olds at an Alert Bay, British Columbia school were reportedly given this homework assignment on touching their private body parts. The worksheet asks students to draw pictures of places in their home where they can masturbate privately.

The worksheet is adapted from a book called Body Smart: Right From the Start which is advertised for 3-7 year olds.

After the publishing of this post, the parent of a child in the school posted this confirming that the school is investigating:

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